Oceon is an ongoing project made for Lumicks B.V https://lumicks.com/products/z-movi-cell-interaction-studies/ .
This software is designed as the operation system for z-movi, an advanced microscopy instrument made for observing , analysing and manipulating single molecules and doing medical immunity researches.
This system has been facing users all over the world from 2019 and keep being updated. I joined the company since February 2021 and have been working on 3 feature updates: cell viability test, chip registration and guided analysis.
Project Type & Involvement:
Work for Lumicks B.V.
Research & UX / UI design
2021.02 - now

System homepage

Users are able to register their chips to the system, give it names and styles and track their lifespan.

Users are able to view back experiment, analyse their data in a guided flow and export.
There are a lot of nice new features coming! To be continued...